Research Interest

machine learning

  • style transfer and GAN
  • Frequency space CNN
  • Scientific computation in C++
  • Hardware Accelerator

Natural Language Processing

  • English syntax parser
  • Machine translation

Unity development for iOS and Android

  • Own over 1300 Unity assets, tested and applied for applications
  • 2 years of experience in touch screen, UI, and UX
  • developed over 30,000 lines of C# in Unity with JSON
  • Application optimization for 3D models


Programming skills

  • Programming languages: Python, C#, Java, C++, Visual Basic, Fortran, Verilog
  • Web development: PHP, Javascript, CSS, HTML Database languages: SQL, ADOdb, Microsoft Access
  • Simulation and mathematical softwares: Comsol, OnScale, Opera, Simion, Matlab,Mathematica

NanoScale device fabrication skills

  • Photolithography, Heidelberg mask writer, ASML(250nm) DUV stepper, ABM contact aligner, DRIE, thin film deposition, furnace processing, CMP, dicing, SEM

Language skills

  • Korean (native), English (fluent), French (intermediate), Spanish (elementary)



  • Machine learning hardware accelerator
  • Ultrasonic planar metalens
  • Fourier transform accelerator in the k-space


  • AI smart manufacturing
  • Botfactory PCB 3D printer audio AI
  • Metrology and style transfer for manufactureing AI

Natural Language Processing

  • 100,000 lines of Visual Basic coding with SQL
  • down-top parser and top-down translation
  • patent registered in Korea on 2016

iOS and Android development with Unity

  • Own 1300 Unity assets and tested applied to applications
  • 2 years of experience for touch screen UI and JSON database
  • Developed over 30,000 lines of C# coding for Game
  • interested in AR/VR development

HTML & CSS by MLPdesign